General Terms and Conditions

Table of Contents

  1. Scope of Application
  2. Conclusion of the Contract
  3. Right to Cancel
  4. Prices and Payment Conditions
  5. Shipment and Delivery Conditions
  6. Reservation of Proprietary Rights
  7. Warranty
  8. Liability
  9. Applicable Law
  10. Place of Jurisdiction
  11. Code of conduct
  12. Alternative dispute resolution

1) Scope of Application

1.1 These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GTC") of the company GEFU GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "Seller”) shall apply to all contracts concluded between a consumer or a trader (hereinafter referred to as "Client”) and the Seller relating to all goods and/or services presented in the Seller's online shop. The inclusion of the Client’s own conditions is herewith objected to, unless other terms have been stipulated.

1.2 A consumer pursuant to these GTC is any natural person concluding a legal transaction for a purpose attributed neither to a mainly commercial nor a self-employed occupational activity.

1.3 A trader pursuant to these GTC is a natural or legal person or a partnership with legal capacity who, when concluding a legal transaction, acts in the exercise of his commercial or independent professional activity.

2) Conclusion of the Contract

2.1 The product descriptions in the Seller’s online shop do not constitute binding offers on the part of the Seller, but merely serve the purpose of submitting a binding offer by the Client.

2.2 The Client may submit the offer via the online order form integrated into the Seller's online shop. In doing so, after having placed the selected goods and/or services in the virtual basket and passed through the ordering process, and by clicking the button finalizing the order process, the Client submits a legally binding offer of contract with regard to the goods and/or services contained in the shopping cart.

2.3 The Seller may accept the Client’s offer within five days,
- by transferring a written order confirmation or an order confirmation in written form (fax or e-mail); insofar receipt of order confirmation by the Client is decisive, or
- by delivering ordered goods to the Client; insofar receipt of goods by the Client is decisive, or
- by requesting the Client to pay after he placed his order.

Provided that several of the aforementioned alternatives apply, the contract shall be concluded at the time when one of the aforementioned alternatives firstly occurs. Should the Seller not accept the Client’s offer within the aforementioned period of time, this shall be deemed as rejecting the offer with the effect that the Client is no longer bound by his statement of intent.

2.4 If a payment method offered by PayPal is selected, the payment will be processed by the payment service provider PayPal (Europe) S.à r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg (hereinafter referred to as "PayPal"), subject to the PayPal Terms of Use, available at or, if the Client does not have a PayPal account, subject to the Terms for payments without a PayPal account, available at If the Client pays by means of a method of payment offered by PayPal which can be selected in the online order process, the Seller hereby declares the acceptance of the Client's offer at the time when the Client clicks on the button concluding the order process.

2.5 When submitting an offer via the Seller's online order form, the text of the contract is stored by the Seller after the contract has been concluded and transmitted to the Client in text form (e.g. e-mail, fax or letter) after the order has been sent. The Seller shall not make the contract text accessible beyond this. If the Client has set up a user account in the Seller's online shop prior to sending his order, the order data shall be stored on the Seller's website and can be accessed by the Client free of charge via his password-protected user account by specifying the corresponding login data.

2.6 Prior to submitting a binding order via the Seller’s online order form, the Client may recognize input errors by reading attentively the information displayed on the screen. The enlargement function of the browser to enlarge the display on the screen may be an effective method for better recognizing input errors.
The Client can correct all the data entered via the usual keyboard and mouse function during the electronic ordering process, until he clicks the button finalizing the ordering process.

2.7 The German and the English language are exclusively available for the conclusion of the contract.

2.8 Order processing and contacting usually takes place via e-mail and automated order processing. It is the Client’s responsibility to ensure that the e-mail address he provides for the order processing is accurate so that e-mails sent by the Seller can be received at this address. In particular, it is the Client`s responsibility, if SPAM filters are used, to ensure that all e-mails sent by the Seller or by third parties commissioned by the Seller with the order processing can be delivered.

3) Right to Cancel

3.1 Consumers are entitled to the right to cancel.

3.2 Detailed information about the right to cancel are provided in the Seller’s instruction on cancellation.

4) Prices and Payment Conditions

4.1 Unless otherwise stated in the Seller’s product description, prices indicated are total prices including the statutory sales tax. Delivery costs, where appropriate, will be indicated separately in the respective product description

4.2 Payment can be made using one of the methods mentioned in the Seller’s online shop .

4.3 If the payment method “purchase on account” via Klarna is selected, the purchase price is due after the goods have been delivered and invoiced. In this case, the purchase price is to be paid within 30 (thirty) days from receipt of the invoice without deduction to Klarna AB, Sveavägen 46,11134 Stockholm, Schweden (, unless otherwise agreed. The payment method “purchase on account” requires a successful credit check by Klarna AB. If the Client is permitted to use the payment method “purchase on account” after his creditworthiness has been verified, payment shall be processed in cooperation with Klarna AB, to which the Seller assigns his claim for payment. In this case, the Client can only pay to Klarna AB with debt-discharging effect. The Seller shall remain responsible for general customer inquiries, e. g. regarding the goods, delivery time, dispatch, returns, complaints, cancellation declarations and dispatches or credit notes, even when the payment method “purchase on account” via Klarna is selected. The Seller reserves the right to offer the payment method “purchase on account” only up to a certain order volume and to refuse this payment method if the specified order volume is exceeded. In this case, the Seller will inform the Client in his payment information displayed in the online shop of a corresponding payment restriction.

4.4 If a payment method offered via the payment service "mollie" is selected, the payment transaction is processed via the payment service provider Mollie B.V., Keizersgracht 313, 1016 EE Amsterdam, The Netherlands (hereinafter referred to as "mollie"). The individual payment methods offered via mollie are communicated to the Client in the online shop of the Seller. For the processing of payments, mollie may make use of other payment services, for which special payment conditions may apply, which the Client will be informed about separately if necessary. Further information about "mollie" is available on the Internet at

4.5 If a payment method offered via the payment service "Klarna" is selected, the payment will be processed via Klarna Bank AB (, Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Sweden (hereinafter "Klarna"). Further information and Klarna's terms and conditions can be found here:

5) Shipment and Delivery Conditions

5.1 If the Seller offers to ship the goods, delivery shall be made within the delivery area specified by the Seller to the delivery address specified by the Client unless otherwise agreed. When processing the transaction, the delivery address specified in the Seller's order processing shall be decisive.

5.2 Should the assigned transport company return the goods to the Seller, because delivery to the Client was not possible, the Client bears the costs for the unsuccessful dispatch. This shall not apply, if the Client exercises his right to cancel effectively, if the delivery cannot be made due to circumstances beyond the Client's control or if he has been temporarily impeded to receive the offered service, unless the Seller has notified the Client about the service for a reasonable time in advance.

5.3 Personal collection is not possible for logistical reasons.

5.4 The Seller reserves the right to withdraw from the contract in the event of incorrect or improper self-supply. This only applies if the Seller is not responsible for the non-supply and if he has concluded a concrete hedging transaction with the supplier. The Seller shall make all reasonable efforts to obtain the goods. In case of non-availability or partial availability of the goods he shall inform the Client and grant him immediately counterperformance.

6) Reservation of Proprietary Rights

If the Seller provides advance deliveries, he retains title of ownership to the delivered goods, until the purchase price owed has been paid in full.

7) Warranty

7.1 Unless otherwise stipulated , the provisions of the statutory liability for defects shall apply. Deviating therefrom, the following shall apply to contracts for the delivery of goods:

7.2 If the Client acts as trader

  • the Seller may choose the type of subsequent performance,
  • for new goods, the limitation period for claims for defects shall be one year from delivery of the goods,
  • for used goods, the rights and claims for defects are excluded,
  • the limitation period shall not recommence if a replacement delivery is made within the scope of liability for defects.

7.3 The above-mentioned limitations of liability and shortening of the period of limitation do not apply

  • to claims for damages and reimbursement of expenses of the Client,
  • if the Seller has fraudulently concealed the defect,
  • for goods which have been used in accordance with their customary use for a building and which have caused its defectiveness,
  • for any existing obligation of the Seller to provide updates for digital products with respect to contracts for the supply of goods with digital elements.

7.4 Furthermore, for traders, the statutory limitation periods for any statutory right of recourse that may exist shall remain unaffected.

7.5 If the Client is a businessperson pursuant to section 1 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) he has the commercial duty to examine the goods and notify the Seller of defects pursuant to section 377 HGB. Should the Client neglect the obligations of disclosure specified therein, the goods shall be deemed approved.

7.6 If the Client acts as a consumer, the forwarding agent has to be immediately notified of any obvious transport damages and the Seller has to be informed accordingly. Should the Client fail to comply therewith, this shall not affect his statutory or contractual claims for defects.

8) Liability

The Seller is liable to the Client for all contractual, quasi-contractual and legal, including tortious claims for damages and reimbursement of expenses as follows:

8.1 The Seller is liable without limitation for any legal reason

  • in the event of intent or gross negligence,
  • in the event of intentional or negligent injury to life, body or health,
  • due to a guarantee promise, unless otherwise regulated in this regard,
  • due to mandatory liability such as under the German Product Liability Act (Produkthaftungsgesetz).

8.2 If the Seller negligently breaches a material contractual obligation, liability is limited to the damage that is typical for the contract and foreseeable, unless unlimited liability applies in accordance with the above paragraph. Material contractual obligations are obligations that the contract imposes on the Seller in accordance with its content in order to achieve the purpose of the contract, the fulfillment of which makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place and on whose compliance the Client can regularly rely.

8.3 Otherwise, liability on the part of the Seller is excluded.

8.4 The above liability provisions also apply with regard to the liability of the Seller for his vicarious agents and legal representatives.

9) Applicable Law

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply to all legal relationships between the parties under exclusion of the laws governing the international purchase of movable goods. For consumers, this choice of law only applies to the extent that the granted protection is not withdrawn by mandatory provisions of the law of the country, in which the consumer has his habitual residence.

10) Place of Jurisdiction

If the Client is a businessman, a legal entity of public law or a separate estate under public law with its seat in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Seller’s place of business shall be the sole place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes arising from this contract. If the Client is domiciled outside the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Seller’s place of business shall be the sole place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes arising from this contract provided that the contract or claims from the contract can be assigned to the Client’s professional or commercial activities. In any event however, regarding the aforementioned cases the Seller is entitled to call the court responsible for the seat of the Client.

11) Code of conduct

The Seller meets the quality standards of Trusted Shops, which can be viewed at

12) Alternative dispute resolution

The Seller is neither obliged nor prepared to attend a dispute settlement procedure before an alternative dispute resolution entity.

Standard Business Terms and customer information

I. Standard business terms

§ 1 Basic provisions

(1) The following business terms are applicable to all the contracts, which you conclude with us as a supplier (GEFU GmbH) via the website. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the inclusion, if necessary, of your own conditions is ruled out.

(2)  A ‘consumer’ in the sense of the following regulations is every natural person who concludes a legal transaction which, to an overwhelming extent, cannot be attributed to either his commercial or independent professional activities. The term ‘businessman’ refers to every natural person, legal person or legally responsible partnership that concludes a legal transaction in pursuance of his/its independent professional or commercial activity.

§ 2 Conclusion of the contract

(1) The subject-matter of the contract is the selling of products  .

(2) As soon as you place the respective product on our website, we shall submit to you a binding offer to conclude a contract via the online shopping cart system under the conditions specified in the item description.

(3) The contract is concluded via the online shopping cart system as follows:
The goods  intended for purchase are placed in the "shopping cart". You can call up the "shopping cart" using the corresponding button in the navigation bar and make changes there at any time.
After clicking the button "Checkout" or "Proceed to order" (or similar designation) and entering the personal data as well as the payment and shipping conditions, the order data will finally be displayed to you as an order overview.
If you use an instant payment system (e.g. PayPal (Express/Plus/Checkout), Amazon Pay, Sofort, giropay) as your payment method, you will either be taken to the order overview page in our online shop or forwarded to the website of the provider of the instant payment system.
If you are forwarded to the relevant instant payment system, choose and/or enter your data as appropriate. Finally, on the website of the provider of the instant payment system or, after you have been directed back to our online shop, the order data will be displayed as an order overview.
Before submitting the order, you have the option once more to review or change (you may also use the "Back" button on your web browser) any information on the order summary page, or to cancel the purchase.
By sending the order via the corresponding button ("order with obligation to pay", "buy" / "buy now", "order with obligation to pay", "pay" / "pay now" or similar designation) you declare the legally binding acceptance of the offer, whereby the contract is concluded.

(4) The execution of the order and the sending of all the details necessitated by the conclusion of the contract take place via e-mail, in a partially-automated manner. Consequently, you have to ensure that the e-mail address that you have deposited with us is the correct one, and that the receipt of the respective e-mails is guaranteed. In particular, you have to ensure that the respective e-mails are not blocked by a SPAM filter.

§ 3 Individually-designed products

(1) You provide us with the appropriate information, text or data necessary to customise the goods via the online ordering system or via E-mail without undue delay after concluding the contract. Any potential specifications that we may issue regarding file formats are to be borne in mind.
You are obligated to ensure that you do not transfer data whose contents violate the rights of external parties (especially copyrights, rights to names and trademark rights) or break existing laws. You explicitly free us from any and all claims related to this matter that may be raised by external parties. This also applies to the costs associated with any legal representation that may become necessary in this regard.
(3) We do not check the transferred data for textual accuracy. In this respect, we assume no liability for errors.

§ 4 Special agreements related to the offered payment methods

(1) Validity check
If we pay in advance, e.g. when paying an invoice or a debit note, your data will be forwarded to
PAYONE GmbH, Lyoner Straße 9, 60528 Frankfurt am Main, for a validity check using a mathematical-statistic process in order to safeguard our authorised interests. We reserve the right to reject the mode of payment of an invoice or debit note on the basis of the results of the validity check.

(2) Payment by SOFORT / Immediate transfer
If you choose the payment method Sofort / immediate transfer, the payment will be processed by the payment service provider Sofort GmbH (Theresienhöhe 12, 80339 Munich, Germany; "SOFORT"). Sofort GmbH is a company of the Klarna Group (Klarna Bank AB (publ), Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Sweden). In order to use the SOFORT payment method, you are required to have an online banking account that has been activated for this purpose. In the course of the payment process as part of the order, you must legitimise yourself accordingly and confirm the payment order to SOFORT. Your bank account will be debited immediately after the order has been placed. You can find more information about SOFORT at

(3) Payment via "PayPal" / "PayPal Checkout"
If you select a payment method offered via "PayPal" / "PayPal Checkout", the payment will be processed via the payment service provider PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A. (22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg; "PayPal"). The individual payment methods via "PayPal" will be displayed to you under a correspondingly designated button on our Internet presence as well as in the online ordering process. "PayPal" may use other payment services for payment processing; if special payment conditions apply, you will be informed of these separately. You can find more information on "PayPal" at

§ 5 Right of retention, reservation of proprietary rights

(1) You can only exercise a right of retention if the situation in question involves claims arising from the same contractual relationship.

(2) The goods remain our property until the purchase price is paid in full.

(3) If you are a businessman, the following conditions also apply:

a) We retain ownership of the goods until all the claims arising from the ongoing business relationship have been settled in full. The goods subject to retention of title may not be pledged or transferred by way of security before ownership of the said goods changes hands.

b) You can re-sell the goods within the framework of an orderly transaction. In this regard, you hereby cede all the claims amounting to the magnitude of the billing amount that accrue to you as a result of the re-selling operation to us, and we accept the cession. Furthermore, you are authorised to collect the claim in question. However, insofar as you do not discharge your payment obligations in an orderly fashion, we reserve the right to collect the claim ourselves.

c) In a situation involving the combination and amalgamation of the goods subject to retention of title, we acquire co-ownership of the newly-formed item. This co-ownership corresponds to the ratio that exists between the invoice value of the goods subject to retention of title and the other processed items at the time of processing.

d) If you make a request of this nature, we shall be obligated to release the securities that are due to us, to the extent that the realisable value of our securities exceeds the claim to be secured by more than 10%. We are responsible for selecting the securities to be released.

§ 6 Warranty

(1) The statutory warranty rights are applicable.

(2) As a consumer, you are requested to promptly check the product for completeness, visible defects and transport damage as soon as it is delivered, and promptly disclose your complaints to us and the shipping company in writing. Even if you do not comply with this request, it shall have no effect on your legal warranty claims.

(3) If a characteristic of the goods deviates from the objective requirements, the deviation shall only be deemed to be agreed if you were informed of the same by us before submitting the contractual declaration and the deviation was expressly and separately agreed between the contracting parties.

Insofar as you are an entrepreneur, the following shall apply in deviation from the above warranty provisions:
a) Only our own specifications and the manufacturer's product description shall be deemed agreed as the quality of the goods, but not other advertising, public promotions and statements by the manufacturer.
b) In the event of defects, we shall, at our discretion, provide warranty by rectification of the defect or subsequent delivery. If the rectification of defects fails, you may, at your option, demand a reduction in price or withdraw from the contract. The rectification of defects shall be deemed to have failed after a second unsuccessful attempt, unless the nature of the goods or the defect or other circumstances indicate otherwise. In the event of rectification of defects, we shall not be obliged to bear the increased costs arising from the transport of the goods to a place other than the place of performance, unless such transport is in accordance with the intended use of the goods.
c) The warranty period shall be one year from delivery of the goods. The shortening of the period shall not apply
- for culpable damage attributable to us arising from injury to life, limb or health and for other damage caused intentionally or by gross negligence;
- insofar as we have fraudulently concealed the defect or have assumed a guarantee for the quality of the item;
- in the case of items which have been used for a building in accordance with their customary use and have caused its defectiveness;
- in the case of statutory rights of recourse that you may assert against us in connection with rights arising from defects.
§ 7 Choice of law, place of fulfilment, jurisdiction

(1) German law shall apply. This choice of law only applies to customers if it does not result in the revocation of the protection guaranteed by the mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which the respective customer’s usual place of residence is located (benefit-of-the-doubt principle).

(2) If you are not a consumer, but a businessman, a legal entity under public law or an institutional fund governed by public law, our place of business is the place of jurisdiction as well as the place of fulfilment for all services that follow from the business relationships that exist with us. The same condition applies to situations in which you are not associated with a general place of jurisdiction in Germany or the EU, as well as situations in which the place of residence or the usual place of residence is not known at the time of commencement of proceedings. This has no bearing on the capacity to call upon the court associated with another place of jurisdiction.

(3) The provisions of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods are explicitly inapplicable.

II. Customer information

1. Identity of the seller

Braukweg 28
59889 Eslohe
Telephone: +49297397130

Alternative dispute resolution:
The European Commission provides a platform for the out-of-court resolution of disputes (ODR platform), which can be viewed under

We are neither willing nor obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before consumer arbitration boards.

2. Information regarding the conclusion of the contract

The technical steps associated with the conclusion of the contract, the contract conclusion itself and the correction options are executed in accordance to the regulations "conclusion of the contract" in our standard business terms (part I.).

3. Contractual language, saving the text of the contract

3.1 Contract language shall be English.

3.2 The complete text of the contract is not saved with us. Before the order is sent, via the online - shopping cart system the contract data can be printed out or electronically saved using the browser’s print function. After the order is received by us, the order data, the legally-mandated details related to distance selling contracts and the standard business terms are re-sent to you via e-mail.

4. Codes of conduct

4.1 We have subjected ourselves to the quality criteria of Trusted Shops GmbH, which can be viewed at:

5. Main features of the product or service

The key features of the goods and/or services can be found in the respective quote.

6. Prices and payment arrangements

6.1 The prices mentioned in the respective offers represent total prices, as do the shipping costs. They include all the price components, including all the incidental taxes.

6.2 The dispatch costs that are incurred are not included in the purchase price. They can be viewed by clicking the appropriate button on our website or in the respective quote, are shown separately over the course of the order transaction and must additionally be borne by you, insofar as free delivery is not confirmed.

6.3 You must also bear the costs arising from money transfers in cases in which the delivery is made to an EU Member State, but the payment is initiated outside of the European Union.

6.4 The payment methods that are available to you are shown by clicking the appropriate button on our website or are disclosed in the respective quote.

6.5 Unless otherwise specified for the respective payment methods, the payment claims arising from the contract that has been concluded become payable immediately.

7. Delivery conditions

7.1 The delivery conditions, delivery date and existing supply restrictions, if applicable, can be found by clicking the appropriate button on our website or in the respective quote.

7.2 If you are a consumer, the following is statutorily regulated: The risk of the sold item accidentally being destroyed or degraded during shipping only passes over to you when the item in question is delivered, regardless of whether or not the shipping operation is insured. This condition does not apply if you have independently commissioned a transport company that has not been specified by us or a person who has otherwise been appointed to execute the shipping operation.

If you are a businessman, the delivery and shipping operations take place at your own risk.

8. Statutory warranty right

Liability for defects is governed by the “Warranty” provisions in our General Terms and Conditions of Business (Part I). 

These SBTs and customer details were created by the lawyers specialising in IT law who work for the Händlerbund, and are constantly checked for legal conformity. Händlerbund Management AG guarantees the legal security of the texts and assumes liability in case warnings are issued. More detailed information can be found on the following website:

last update: 29.11.2022