Messer ENNO
Qualität Made in Solingen
Deutscher Klingenstahl
Mit unseren meisterhaften Küchenmessern der Designserie ENNO schneiden anspruchsvolle Profis und kreative Hobbyköche so mühelos und präzise wie noch nie. Jede ENNO-Klinge wurde in der deutschen Messerstadt Solingen aus bestem Klingenstahl unter strengen Qualitätskontrollen gefertigt, in Eis gehärtet und feinstgeschliffen. Das Resultat: hochwertige, korrosionsbeständige Präzisionsklingen, die besonders lange scharf bleiben.
GEFU Mega-Deal
6 buy 1 free
Take advantage of the GEFU promotion now: Buy 6 items and get the cheapest one for free! Experience first-class quality, a wide selection and save money at the same time. Treat yourself to high-quality kitchen utensils or find the perfect gift - you're in good hands with GEFU!It's that simple: Participate in the GEFU online shop
1) Add 6 items from the PRIMELINE range to your shopping basket
2) The value of the cheapest item will be automatically deducted. Go to the checkout and finalise your purchase.
Mill set
Salt and pepper mill: The secret weapon for flavour explosions in your kitchen!
The X-PLOSION® salt and pepper mill is a must-have for your kitchen! With its innovative design and outstanding grinding quality, it takes the flavour of your dishes to the next level. Get the perfect duo for perfect flavour today
BBQ master
Bobby 030BBQ
Inspiration for barbecue lovers
Bobby 030BBQ is a Germany-wide BBQ enthusiast who is known in the BBQ community for his impressive BBQ creations and educational videos. With his creative approach to grilling and passionate presentation, he inspires BBQ lovers to improve their skills and explore new culinary horizons. His social media presence offers a wealth of tips, recipes and inspiration for anyone who loves barbecuing.

Stylishly sustainable: the "FUTURE" drinking straw from GEFU
Discover the "FUTURE" straw from GEFU - your sustainable choice for environmentally conscious enjoyment. Made from high-quality stainless steel or glass, it offers durability and elegance in a modern design. Make an active contribution to reducing single-use plastic and make a stylish statement for a more sustainable future of drinking pleasure with "FUTURE".
Spiral cutter
The SPIRELLI® spiral slicer conjures up vegetable spirals from courgettes, carrots and more in no time at all. This practical kitchen appliance inspires healthier cooking and is easy to use and clean. Discover the versatility of the SPIRELLI® for creative and healthy dishes.

Meat mincer/drum grater TRANSFORMA®
Meat mincer and drum grater from TRANSFORMA®: kitchen professionals at work
TRANSFORMA® meat mincer and drum grater - your everyday heroes in the kitchen! With the meat mincer, you can make fresh burger patties, minced meat and sausages in no time at all. The drum grater makes effortless work of grating vegetables, cheese and more. These powerful kitchen gadgets make your preparation easier and bring creative cooking ideas to life. Get TRANSFORMA® and transform your kitchen into a professional area.
FLOTTE LOTTE® strainer
The original from GEFU. Let the quality convince you
The FLOTTE LOTTE® from GEFU is a timeless bestseller that no kitchen should be without. With its robust construction and efficient handling, it makes pureeing, straining and preparing sauces, soups, purées and more child's play. Its classic design and high-quality workmanship ensure durability and reliability. The FLOTTE LOTTE® is a versatile kitchen tool that enables fresh and healthy preparations in no time at all. Discover the practical functionality and culinary possibilities offered by the FLOTTE LOTTE® and give free rein to your creativity in the kitchen.
Fermentation is an ancient method of preserving food for longer and intensifying its flavour. GEFU makes this traditional technique modern and uncomplicated. Our products and instructions make fermenting in your own kitchen child's play. Discover a world of flavours and healthy probiotics by fermenting vegetables, fruit and more. With GEFU, fermentation becomes a culinary art that you can master effortlessly. Bring new flavours to your dishes and expand your culinary horizons with GEFU!Gravur Service
Your kitchen, your style - give your GEFU products a personal touch with our customised engraving
The bestseller
The Storeganizer is an innovative solution for the intelligent organisation of your home. Our bestseller, the "PANTRY" Storeganizer, is the ultimate answer to the challenges of kitchen organisation. With PANTRY, you can optimise the limited space in your pantry and store food, spices and kitchen utensils in a clear and space-saving way. No more tedious searching for ingredients or stacking up supplies - PANTRY creates order and ensures that everything runs smoothly in your kitchen. Discover the benefits of the store organiser and optimise your storage at home. PANTRY is not only functional, but also a stylish and practical accessory that will enhance your kitchen..
Frische Vielfalt
Gesunde Auswahl mit Vitalität im Teller
Der Sommer ist die perfekte Jahreszeit, um die frische Vielfalt von Salaten in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Denn ein frischer Salat ist mehr als nur eine Beilage – Ob als leichter Snack, als gesunde Vorspeise oder als vollwertiges Hauptgericht, Salate bieten eine Vielzahl an Geschmacksrichtungen, die jedem Gaumen Freude bereiten. Um Ihnen den Einstieg in die Welt der sommerlichen Salate zu erleichtern, bietet GEFU eine Vielzahl an Rezepten, die Sie inspirieren und begeistern werden. Von einfachen, schnellen Kreationen bis hin zu ausgefallenen Gourmet-Salaten – mit den Rezepten von GEFU finden Sie garantiert den passenden Salat für jede Gelegenheit.